Terra qPCR Direct TB Green Premix is a 2X master mix that lets you perform real-time PCR (qPCR) directly on crude extracts or dirty samples (such as mouse tail and ear biopsies, or leaf cuttings). The premix contains everything you need for qPCR, including Terra PCR Direct Polymerase—a robust, non-Taq polymerase developed for optimal amplification from whole cells, crude cell lysates, tissue extracts, or purified DNA. The enzyme is perfect for amplifying DNA targets up to 2 kb, even when the GC content is greater than 70%. The premix also contains TB Green dye, as well as a monoclonal antibody that suppresses polymerase activity up to 98°C, allowing an automatic hot start. In addition, Terra qPCR Direct TB Green Premix comes packaged with two ROX formulations—ROX Reference Dye LSR and ROX Reference Dye LMP—allowing you to normalize the fluorescence signal between reactions on instruments that are equipped with this option.
Terra qPCR Direct TB Green Premix is a 2X master mix that lets you perform real-time PCR (qPCR) directly on crude extracts or dirty samples (such as mouse tail and ear biopsies, or leaf cuttings). The premix contains everything you need for qPCR, including Terra PCR Direct Polymerase—a robust, non-Taq polymerase developed for optimal amplification from whole cells, crude cell lysates, tissue extracts, or purified DNA. The enzyme is perfect for amplifying DNA targets up to 2 kb, even when the GC content is greater than 70%. The premix also contains TB Green dye, as well as a monoclonal antibody that suppresses polymerase activity up to 98°C, allowing an automatic hot start. In addition, Terra qPCR Direct TB Green Premix comes packaged with two ROX formulations—ROX Reference Dye LSR and ROX Reference Dye LMP—allowing you to normalize the fluorescence signal between reactions on instruments that are equipped with this option.
Ready-to-use qPCR master mix containing TB Green is also available for cDNA templates.