TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H Plus), an intercalating dye-based qPCR master mix for real-time RT-PCR (qPCR), is recommended for most real-time PCR applications including gene expression analyses, genotyping, and high-throughput studies. TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H Plus) includes TB Green, a qPCR reagent for intercalator-based RT-PCR (qPCR). In addition to being ideal for most standard real-time PCR reactions, this kit is recommended when a higher yield of PCR product is needed or when amplifying longer products (up to 570 bp). This TB Green qPCR premixis supplied at a 2X concentration and allows easy reaction assembly; bysimply adding primers, template, and sterile distilled water, intercalator-based qPCR can be performed.
TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H Plus), an intercalating dye-based qPCR master mix for real-time RT-PCR (qPCR), is recommended for most real-time PCR applications including gene expression analyses, genotyping, and high-throughput studies. TB Green Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNase H Plus) includes TB Green, a qPCR reagent for intercalator-based RT-PCR (qPCR). In addition to being ideal for most standard real-time PCR reactions, this kit is recommended when a higher yield of PCR product is needed or when amplifying longer products (up to 570 bp). This TB Green qPCR premixis supplied at a 2X concentration and allows easy reaction assembly; bysimply adding primers, template, and sterile distilled water, intercalator-based qPCR can be performed.
TB Green Premix Ex Taq(Tli RNase H Plus) contains Takara Ex Taq HS, a hot-start PCR enzyme that includes an anti-Taq antibody. The Takara Ex Taq HS enzyme, in combination with its qPCR optimized buffer, allows for high amplification efficiency and detection sensitivity in qPCR. The 2X TB Green qPCR premixalso contains Tli RNase H, a heat-resistant RNase H that minimizes qPCR inhibition as a consequence of residual mRNA in the input template cDNA. This product enables accurate detection of targets even during high-speed reactions, making it possible to conduct fast RT-PCR (qPCR) analyses and achieve excellent reproducibility and reliability.
ROX Reference Dyes are supplied as separate components with Cat. # RR420A, RR420B, RR420L, and RR420W. These reference dyes serve as convenient internal reference standards when normalizing non-PCR generated fluorescence fluctuations; such fluctuations often occur between different wells or over time in different instruments.