TB Green Advantage qPCR Premix is a convenient, ready-to-use 2X-concentrated master mix for real-time PCR that contains full-length Taq polymerase with hot-start antibody and TB Green dye. It is specially designed for real-time PCR employing the dye intercalator method. This qPCR master mix combines the high performance of our enzyme for hot-start PCR utilizing Taq antibody and a bufferdeveloped to provide superior specificity, increased amplification efficiency, and excellent performance in high-speed, real-time PCR. Use of the TB Green Advantage qPCR Premix enables you to carry out successful real-time PCR with high sensitivity, broad dynamic range, and accurate quantification.
TB Green Advantage qPCR Premix is a convenient, ready-to-use 2X-concentrated master mix for real-time PCR that contains full-length Taq polymerase with hot-start antibody and TB Green dye. It is specially designed for real-time PCR employing the dye intercalator method. This qPCR master mix combines the high performance of our enzyme for hot-start PCR utilizing Taq antibody and a buffer developed to provide superior specificity, increased amplification efficiency, and excellent performance in high-speed, real-time PCR. Use of the TB Green Advantage qPCR Premix enables you to carry out successful real-time PCR with high sensitivity, broad dynamic range, and accurate quantification.
TB Green Advantage qPCR Premix is supplied separately with ROX Reference Dye LSR and ROX Reference Dye LMP, which allow you to normalize the fluorescence signal between reactions on instruments that are equipped with this option.