The CellAmp Direct Probe RT-qPCR Kit is designed for performing a simple two-step real-time RT-qPCR, without RNA extraction, directly from various animal cells (e.g., adherent cells, suspension cells, primary cells, various stem cells, and iPS cells). The kit makes it possible to prepare template samples from cultured cells and complete reverse transcription reactions and gene expression analysis in as little as 1.5 hours.
The CellAmp Direct Probe RT-qPCR Kit is designed for performing a simple two-step real-time RT-qPCR, without RNA extraction, directly from various animal cells (e.g., adherent cells, suspension cells, primary cells, various stem cells, and iPS cells). The kit makes it possible to prepare template samples from cultured cells and complete reverse transcription reactions and gene expression analysis in as little as 1.5 hours.
This product allows the effective elimination of genomic DNA. Therefore, it works well for analyses in which genomic DNA contamination is an issue; examples include situations in which the design of a primer pair spanning an exon junction is not possible or in which low-expression genes are to be analyzed. A two-step real-time RT-PCR reagent for probe detection is included in the kit, eliminating the need for reverse-transcription and PCR mixes to be prepared separately, making gene expression analysis easy to perform.