The Yeast Processing Reagent (for total RNA preparation) is a pretreatment reagent that may be used in combination with RNApurificationreagents toenable RNA isolation from yeast. Pretreatment of yeast cells with this product comprises two steps: 1) washing and recovery of yeast cells by centrifugation, and 2) yeast cell wall disruption via a Yeast Processing Enzyme Solution (containing a cell wall degradation enzyme) and a Yeast Processing Buffer.
The Yeast Processing Reagent (for total RNA preparation) is a pretreatment reagent that may be used in combination with RNApurificationreagents toenable RNA isolation from yeast. Pretreatment of yeast cells with this product comprises two steps: 1) washing and recovery of yeast cells by centrifugation, and 2) yeast cell wall disruption via a Yeast Processing Enzyme Solution (containing a cell wall degradation enzyme) and a Yeast Processing Buffer. Becauseyeast cell walldisruption occurs throughenzymatic activity, the time-consuming cell-lysis protocols using glass beads and liquid nitrogen required in conventional methods are unnecessary.