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Clontech/Dr. GenTLE (gene trapping by liquid extraction) systems/30 Rxns/9082

Takara Bio"s Dr. GenTLE (Gene Trapping by Liquid Extraction) systems are designed for high quality and downstream application-ready DNA extraction and purification. Two Dr. GenTLE systems are available: 1) Dr. GenTLE (from Yeast) High Recovery (Cat. # 9082) for efficient extraction of genomic DNA from yeast cells and 2) Dr. GenTLE Precipitation Carrier (Cat. # 9094) for high efficiency ethanol precipitation of nucleic acid solutions.
Takara Bio"s Dr. GenTLE (Gene Trapping by Liquid Extraction) systems are designed for high quality and downstream application-ready DNA extraction and purification. Two Dr. GenTLE systems are available: 1) Dr. GenTLE (from Yeast) High Recovery (Cat. # 9082) for efficient extraction of genomic DNA from yeast cells and 2) Dr. GenTLE Precipitation Carrier (Cat. # 9094) for high efficiency ethanol precipitation of nucleic acid solutions.
Dr. GenTLE (from Yeast) High Recoveryincludes reagents required for DNA extraction and purification from a variety of yeasts (see below)via cell wall digestion and cell lysis followed by salting-out for DNA purification. Genomic DNA isolated with this kit can be used for many applicationsincluding DNA sequencing, Southern blot analysis, cloning, PCR, and restriction enzyme digestion. Most standard procedures using 2 x 108 yeast cellsobtain 4–10 µg of genomic DNA (35–200 kb).
Dr. GenTLE Precipitation Carrier allows for higher DNA/RNA recovery versus glycogen-based precipitation, even from dilute (5 ng/ml) nucleic acid samples, taking advantage of a high-efficiency ethanol precipitation step during nucleic acid purification.