pMD20 and pMD19 (Simple) T-Vectors are linearized PCR cloning vectors (cleaved by EcoRV) with single 3’-terminal thymidine residues (dT) at both ends. These T-overhangs at the cloning site improve the efficiency of ligation of PCR products that contain dA-overhangs. The inclusion of lacZ in these vectors allows blue/white screening for the detection of successful ligations.
pMD20 and pMD19 (Simple) T-Vectors are linearized PCR cloning vectors (cleaved by EcoRV) with single 3"-terminal thymidine residues (dT) at both ends. These T-overhangs at the cloning site improve the efficiency of ligation of PCR products that contain dA-overhangs. The inclusion of lacZ in these vectors allows blue/white screening for the detection of successful ligations.
T-Vector pMD19 (Simple) is derived from pUC19 and has deletions of all of the restriction enzyme sites in the multiple-cloning site (MCS). Therefore, after cloning, restriction enzyme digestion analysis of the PCR insert is possible. Alternatively, T-Vector pMD20 retains the MCS of pUC19. In addition, this vector contains the SP6 promoter upstream of MCS. Therefore, the inserted DNA fragments can be transcribed by SP6 RNA Polymerase.
Both vectors are supplied with Control Insert DNA (500 bp) for use as a positive control.