PrimeSTAR GXL SP DNA Polymerase is a registered general purpose reagent (GPR) appropriate for use in general laboratory applications, including molecular diagnostic development and testing. It is a high-fidelity, robust, hot-start enzyme for use in a variety of PCR applications.
PrimeSTAR GXL SP DNA Polymerase is a registered general purpose reagent (GPR) appropriate for use in general laboratory applications, including molecular diagnostic development and testing. It is a high-fidelity, robust, hot-start enzyme for use in a variety of PCR applications.
PrimeSTAR GXL SP contains the same polymerase as our standard PrimeSTAR GXL products, but with a modified, license-free buffer formulation. This SP product performs similarly to standard PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase in all tested customer applications. The polymerase provides efficient PCR amplification even in challenging situations, such as when amplifying GC-rich templates, when there is excess template in the reaction mixture, and when amplifying long products (up to 30 kb).
The SP formulation is suitable for commercial and OEM use, including molecular diagnostic services and kits. Commercial use of PrimeSTAR GXL SP may provide cost-savings on royalty and license fees in some situations. If you are interested in Commercial Use of our products, including OEM, please contact Business Development at bd_oem@takarabio.com to discuss your needs or visit our OEM page to submit an inquiry.
If you are purchasing this polymerase for research use only, please visit our standard PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase product page.