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商品编号: 631285
品牌: Takara
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多肽合成
公司分类: peptide
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Immune cell analysis

Cytokine quantification is often an important step in elucidating immunological processes or assessing immune cell phenotypes. While ELISA-based tests have provided a reliable method for measuring cytokines, these approaches typically take several hours to complete and are not amenable to real-time analyses. By contrast, GoStix Plus assays enable accurate cytokine quantitation in ~10 minutes, providing reproducibility comparable to an ELISA in a fraction of the time.

Cytokine quantification is often an important step in elucidating immunological processes or assessing immune cell phenotypes. While ELISA-based tests have provided a reliable method for measuring cytokines, these approaches typically take several hours to complete and are not amenable to real-time analyses. By contrast, GoStix Plus assays enable accurate cytokine quantitation in ~10 minutes, providingreproducibility comparable to an ELISA in a fraction of the time.

GoStix Plus assays combine a lateral flow-based detection method with an accompanying smartphone app to enable rapid quantitation of human cytokines from cell culture supernatants or serum samples. The GoStix Plus protocol is simple: apply 20 μl of sample and 80 μl of chase buffer to a GoStix cassette, wait 10 minutes for test and control bands on the cassette to develop, and then scan the cassette with the GoStix Plus app to quantify the amount of cytokine present in the sample. Inter-assay variability (%CV) for GoStix Plus tests is typically <15%. For information about the sensitivity and dynamic range of a given assay, please refer to the corresponding product"s Certificate of Analysis.

iOS and Android versions of the GoStix Plus smartphone application are available for download from the App Store® and on Google Play™, respectively.

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