Eluates from anion-exchange plasmid preparations (such as NucleoBond Midi preps and Maxi preps) typically contain high salt concentrations. In addition to the vacuum-based NucleoSnap Finisher Midi/Maxi kits, Takara Bio offers NucleoSpin Finisher Midi, which enables rapid concentration and desalination of plasmid DNA using successive centrifugation steps.
Eluates from anion-exchange plasmid preparations (such as NucleoBond Midi preps and Maxi preps) typically contain high salt concentrations. In addition to the vacuum-based NucleoSnap Finisher Midi/Maxi kits, Takara Bio offers NucleoSpin Finisher Midi, which enables rapid concentration and desalination of plasmid DNA using successive centrifugation steps.
Figure 1. The NucleoSpin Finisher Midi procedure.
Application data
Figure 2. Ultra-fast plasmid DNA desalting and concentration.Eluates from NucleoBond Xtra Midi preparations were precipitated with NucleoSpin Finisher Midi and a conventional isopropanol precipitation. Six preparations can be processed in less than 20 minutes with NucleoSpin Finisher Midi.