The NucleoSpin 8 PCR Clean-Up kits offer time-saving parallel cleanup and optimal recovery of PCR products in a flexible 8-well strip format. Unwanted salts, dNTPs, PCR primers, and primer dimers are washed and removed prior to elution of the purified PCR product. The kits are suitable for processing samples under vacuum or by centrifugation, and for manual or automated use. You can isolate fragments ranging in size from 65 bp–10 kb in an elution volume of 75–150 µl, with a recovery of 75–95%. The resulting products are pure enough for automated fluorescent sequencing and can also be used directly for cloning, restriction digests, and hybridization.
The NucleoSpin 8 PCR Clean-Up kits offer time-saving parallel cleanup and optimal recovery of PCR products in a flexible 8-well strip format. Unwanted salts, dNTPs, PCR primers, and primer dimers are washed and removed prior to elution of the purified PCR product. The kits are suitable for processing samples under vacuum or by centrifugation, and for manual or automated use. You can isolate fragments ranging in size from 65 bp–10 kb in an elution volume of 75–150 µl, with a recovery of 75–95%. The resulting products are pure enough for automated fluorescent sequencing and can also be used directly for cloning, restriction digests, and hybridization.
NucleoSpin PCR Clean-Up Binding Strips can be used for processing samples under vacuum or by centrifugation. The NucleoSpin PCR Clean-Up kit uses advanced silica-membrane technology. The addition of a binding buffer containing chaotropic ions leads to a reversible adsorption of DNA to the silica membrane. PCR products bind to the silica membrane under optimized conditions, while contaminants like primers, salts, nucleotides, and proteins are completely removed by effective washing. Highly pure PCR products are eluted with low-salt elution buffer (5 mM Tris/HCl pH 8.5) or water (pH 8.0–8.5) and are ready-to-use directly for subsequent applications.