NucleoSpin 96 DNA Stool enables high-throughput isolation of both microbial and host genomic DNA from fresh and frozen stool samples in a 96-well format. The kit employs a special lysis buffer in combination with mechanical sample disruption using MN Bead Tubes Type A (ceramic beads; included in the kit) to achieve efficient sample homogenization without enzymatic reactions such as protease digestion. Automation of the kit protocol is possible on common liquid handling platforms.
NucleoSpin 96 DNA Stool enables high-throughput isolation of both microbial and host genomic DNA from fresh and frozen stool samples in a 96-well format. The kit employs a special lysis buffer in combination with mechanical sample disruption using MN Bead Tubes Type A (ceramic beads; included in the kit) to achieve efficient sample homogenization without enzymatic reactions such as protease digestion. Automation of the kit protocol is possible on common liquid handling platforms.
Sample lysate is cleared in two steps: precipitation in Lysis Buffer ST2 at 2–8°C followed by filtration using the NucleoSpin Stool Filter Plate. Upon addition of Binding Buffer ST3, sample DNA is can be efficiently bound to the NucleoSpin Stool Binding Plate. Residual contaminants such as complex polysaccharides, bile salts, and other PCR inhibitors are removed via sequential washing steps. Following a drying step, ready-to-use DNA can be eluted in Elution Buffer SE.