NucleoSpin Plant II is a next-generation kit designed for the rapid isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissue, providing higher yield and quality. The silica membrane in the NucleoSpin Plant II columns is optimized to improve DNA binding. Since plants are very heterogeneous and contain many different metabolites, such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, and acidic components, NucleoSpin Plant II offers two different lysis procedures for optimal processing of various samples.
NucleoSpin Plant II is a next-generation kit designed for the rapid isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissue, providing higher yield and quality. The silica membrane in the NucleoSpin Plant II columns is optimized to improve DNA binding. Since plants are very heterogeneous and contain many different metabolites, such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, and acidic components, NucleoSpin Plant II offers two different lysis procedures for optimal processing of various samples. This kit includes two optimized, alternative lysis buffers based on the established CTAB and SDS lysis methods.
This kit allows you to process <100 mg of plant tissue (wet weight) or <20 mg of plant tissue (dry weight) with yields typically ranging from 1–30 µg of genomic DNA. The purified DNA is ready for use in subsequent reactions such as PCR, Southern blotting, and restriction analysis.
Medium- and large-scale genomic DNA isolation from plant tissue
The NucleoSpin plant midi and plant maxi kits are designed for isolating genomic DNA from medium to large samples of plant tissue. These kits also include two optimized, alternative lysis buffers, based on the established CTAB and SDS lysis methods, for optimal processing of various sample types.
Starting sample sizes range up to 250 mg (wet weight) for the plant midi kit and up to 1 g (wet weight) for the plant maxi kit. Typical yields range from 20 to 80 µg of DNA for NucleoSpin Plant Midi, and 60 to 260 µg of DNA for NucleoSpin Plant Maxi, depending on the size and source of the sample. The purified DNA is ready for use in subsequent reactions such as PCR, Southern blotting, and restriction analysis.