NucleoBond AXG columns are anion-exchange columns for isolating ultra-pure genomic DNA from tissue, bacteria, or yeast. Macherey-Nagel offers buffer sets for extracting genomic DNA from tissue and bacteria, which include all required buffers and enzymes (Proteinase K and RNase A). Using these buffer sets in combination with NucleoBond AXG columns allows isolation of up to 500 µg of genomic DNA from different matrices.
NucleoBond AXG columns are anion-exchange columns for isolating ultra-pure genomic DNA from tissue, bacteria, or yeast. Macherey-Nagel offers buffer sets for extracting genomic DNA from tissue and bacteria, which include all required buffers and enzymes (Proteinase K and RNase A). Using these buffer sets in combination with NucleoBond AXG columns allows isolation of up to 500 µg of genomic DNA from different matrices. Isolation of genomic DNA from yeast requires additional buffers (see user manual). NucleoBond AXG columns are available in three different sizes (AXG 20, AXG 100, and AXG 500).
The quality of the isolated genomic DNA is extraordinarily high. AXG columnsused to purify genomic DNA with a gravity flow-based protocol yield high molecular weight DNA without shearing. Samples are first lysed with Proteinase K. Before loading, the sample is diluted with Buffer N2 in order to guarantee a good flow rate as well as quantitative DNA binding. After efficient washing, the genomic DNA is eluted with high-salt buffer and precipitated with isopropanol. The DNA purified using this method is suitable for all kinds of subsequent reactions.