NucleoBond Xtra Midiprep kits are a new generation of anion-exchange midiprep plasmid purification kits based on patented NucleoBond technology. Typical yields of ≥250 μg of ultra-pure plasmid DNA can be obtained in about half the time compared to other Midiprep kits. The entire plasmid purification procedure takes 68 minutes with NucleoBond Xtra Midi kits and 28 minutes with NucleoBond Xtra Midi Plus kits. Read the NucleoBond Xtra technote to see how it works.
NucleoBond Xtra Midiprep kits are a new generation of anion-exchange midiprep plasmid purification kits based on patented NucleoBond technology. Typical yields of ≥250 μg of ultra-pure plasmid DNA can be obtained in about half the time compared to other midiprep kits. The entire plasmid purification procedure takes 68 minutes with NucleoBond Xtra Midi kits and 28 minutes with NucleoBond Xtra Midi Plus kits. Read the NucleoBond Xtra technote to see how it works.
NucleoBond Xtra Midiprep kits contain an enlarged column with a lower silica resin bed. This in turn enables faster flow of lysate and buffers through the columns. Specially designed column filters are included for convenient and time-saving clarification of bacterial lysates. The column filters are supplied inserted in the NucleoBond Xtra midiprep columns and allow parallel clarification of bacterial lysate and loading onto the column. Their large, structured surface leads to high filter-flow rates and minimizes the risk of clogging. The improved silica material has greater DNA binding capacity and is based on the proven NucleoBond anion-exchanger group MAE (methylaminoethanol). Optimized buffer compositions additionally lead to improved alkaline lysis and increased column flow rates.