The Human Cell-Free Protein Expression System (Cat. # 3281) enables simple and easy in vitro transcription and translation. The single-tube reaction format is easily assembled and protein expression can be completed in as little as 1 hour at 32°C. The Human Cell-Free Protein Expression System allows for high-yield expression and purification of functional protein, including modified proteins and large proteins (over 150 kDa). The Human Cell-Free Protein Expression Maxi System (Cat. # 3285)* furtherincreases recombinant protein expressionby utilizing a dialysis technique that continually replenishes ATP and amino acids during protein translation.
*Product availability varies by region.
The Human Cell-Free Protein Expression System (Cat. # 3281) enables simple and easy in vitro transcription and translation. The single-tube reaction format is easily assembled and protein expression can be completed in as little as 1 hour at 32°C. The Human Cell-Free Protein Expression System allows for high-yield expression and purification of functional protein, including modified proteins and large proteins (over 150 kDa). The Human Cell-Free Protein Expression Maxi System (Cat. # 3285)* furtherincreases recombinant protein expressionby utilizing a dialysis technique that continually replenishes ATP and amino acids during protein translation.
*Product availability varies by region.
Genes of interest may be cloned rapidly into the pT7-IRES vectors using In-Fusion cloning technology. Using the pT7-IRESvectors, recombinant proteins can be tagged with N-terminal or C-terminal His epitope tags or an N-terminal Myc epitope tag.
Cell-free systems for in vitro transcription and in vitro translationofferseveral advantages for protein expression and purification:
- They allow quick analyses of protein functions or features.
- They are amenable to high-throughput studies.
- Proteins that are degraded, insoluble, or toxic in in vivo systems can be easily expressed in vitro.
Bulk sizes are available for high-throughput studies.