The PicoPLEX WGA family of products is comprised of three versions. All of the systems below can amplify DNA directly from cell lysates from 1–10 cells and can also be used with isolated gDNA inputs ranging from less than 6 pg up to 50 pg. They are intended for use with array CGH, qPCR, and NGS applications. For reproductive health applications, we recommend using the original PicoPLEX WGA Kit (Cat. # R30050).
The PicoPLEX WGA family of products is comprised of three versions. All of the systems below can amplify DNA directly from cell lysates from 1–10 cells and can also be used with isolated gDNA inputs ranging from less than 6 pg up to 50 pg. They are intended for use with array CGH, qPCR, and NGS applications. For reproductive health applications, we recommend using the original PicoPLEX WGA Kit (Cat. # R30050).
The specific applications for each version are described below:
PicoPLEX WGA Kit (Cat. # R30050):
The PicoPLEX WGA Kit is currently used in a broad range of assays for measuring copy number variation (CNV). This is the kit of choice for assays that need the most accurate and reproducible measurement of CNV. This is the recommended product for PGT-A and other reproductive health applications.
PicoPLEX Single Cell WGA Kit (Cat. # R300671, R300672, R300673):
The PicoPLEX Single Cell WGA kit is an updated version of PicoPLEX WGA is also suited for CNV detection while producing higher yields and longer amplicons. This kit is best suited for applications where high yield is most important.
PicoPLEX Single Cell WGA Kit v3 (Cat. # R300718, R300722, R300723):
This is the latest version of PicoPLEX WGA that includes a high-fidelity amplification enzyme. Suited for applications where base-level resolution, such as detection of mutations (single nucleotide variants, SNVs), is desired. The kit also provides excellent performance in CNV detection.