Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, LD) is a stable cytoplasmic enzyme present in most cells. During damage to (or rupture of) cell cytoplasmic membranes, LDH is releasedfrom cells and into the surrounding cell-culture supernatant. Quantitation of LDH in cell-culture supernatant is one methodby which investigatorsanalyze cell-death levels.
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, LD) is a stable cytoplasmic enzyme present in most cells. During damage to (or rupture of) cell cytoplasmic membranes, LDH is releasedfrom cells and into the surrounding cell-culture supernatant. Quantitation of LDH in cell-culture supernatant is one methodby which investigatorsanalyze cell-death levels.
The LDH Cytotoxicity Detection Kit is a simple yetsensitive, non-radioactive 96-well assayintended for the detection of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, LD) that is releasedfrom damaged cells andinto the cell-culture supernatant. With this assay, LDH present in the surrounding cell-culturemedium participates in a coupled reaction that converts yellow tetrazolium salt (INT) into a red formazan product. The amount of LDH enzyme activity—measuredas a 490/492 nmabsorbancereading on amicroplate reader—directly correlateswith the number of damaged cells in culture. The entire assay procedure, whichincludes cell growth, chemical reaction and absorbancemeasurement, is performed in a single 96-well plate.