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Clontech/Capturem Pepsin digestion for mass spectrometry/20 Rxns/635728

Capturem Pepsin provides fast, efficient, and complete digestion of proteins at room temperature, in comparison to typical protein digestion workflows for mass spectrometry (MS) analyses that require four-hour or overnight digestion. By contrast, Capturem Pepsin"s rapid and simple protocol allows for an uninterrupted proteomic analysis workflow. This product, based on our novel Capturem technology, provides membrane-immobilized pepsin in a mini spin column format.
Capturem Pepsin provides fast, efficient, and complete digestion of proteins at room temperature, in comparison to typical protein digestion workflows for mass spectrometry (MS) analyses that require four-hour or overnight digestion. By contrast, Capturem Pepsin"s rapid and simple protocol allows for an uninterrupted proteomic analysis workflow. This product, based on our novel Capturem technology, provides membrane-immobilized pepsin in a mini spin column format. Capturem Pepsin completely digests protein samples in just a few minutes, compared to the time-consuming incubations often required for in-solution digestion, and provides better efficiency with fewer autolyzed fragments. In addition, this Capturem spin column makes it easier to avoid the over-digestion commonly seen with in-solution digests.
More effective proteomic analysis
Protein digestion using Capturem Pepsin is more effective than in-solution digestion for preparing samples for MS analysis because it eliminates long digestion times, which may lead to oxidation and other protein modifications, as well as increased autolysis, which can make peptide and protein identification more difficult and less reproducible.
Fast, easy protocol
Capturem Pepsin includes mini spin columns and an activation buffer. Capturem protein digestion is performed using a fast, easy protocol. Just load 200 µl of activation buffer, spin for one minute, then load your protein sample and spin for another minute to elute peptides that are ready for downstream analysis.