An obvious way to increase transfection efficiency is to increase the amount of plasmid DNA and transfection reagent mixture that you add to your cells. Unfortunately, since most transfection reagents damage cells during transfection, simply using more of it is not an option.Xfect is different, it allows you to increase your transfection efficiency to the level you need...without killing your cells.
An obvious way to increase transfection efficiency is to increase the amount of plasmid DNA and transfection reagent mixture that you add to your cells. Unfortunately, since most transfection reagents damage cells during transfection, simply using more of it is not an option. The Xfect reagent is different—it allows you to increase your transfection efficiency to the level you need, without killing your cells.
The Xfect reagent is a biodegradable transfection polymer, screened from a pool of 2,300 candidates for its very low cytotoxicity profile and high transfection efficiency. The protocol is far simpler than with most commercially available transfection reagents, it is performed in a single tube, in the presence of serum, and with no requirement for optimization of plasmid to polymer ratios.
The Xfect reagent also outperforms popular competitor transfection reagents in Jurkat cells, which are notoriously difficult to transfect. Xfect Transfection Reagent produced >40-fold higher transfection efficiency than Product L. This transfection reagent can also be used to transfect human adult stem cells. We used the Xfect reagent to transfect human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) with a transfection efficiency of 92%.