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Clontech/ProteoTuner expression systems in plasmid format/Each/631072

ProteoTuner plasmid expression systems allow for rapidly regulating the presence or absence of a protein of interest in your target cells. Clone your gene of interest in-frame with the destabilization domain tag (DD), either at the N or C terminus. In the absence of theShield1 ligandin the culture medium, the DD-tagged fusion protein is immediately destabilized, but when Shield1 is added, the protein accumulates to detectable levels within 15–20 minutes.
ProteoTuner plasmid expression systems allow for rapidly regulating the presence or absence of a protein of interest in your target cells. Clone your gene of interest in-frame with the destabilization domain tag (DD), either at the N or C terminus. In the absence of the Shield1 ligand in the culture medium, the DD-tagged fusion protein is immediately destabilized, but when Shield1 is added, the protein accumulates to detectable levels within 15–20 minutes. Upon Shield1 removal, the halftime for the fusion protein"s degradation can be as short as 30 minutes. Lentiviral and retroviral formats are also available.