TaKaRa LA Taq DNA Polymerase with GC Buffer has the Takara LA Taq DNA Polymerase blend for long and accurate PCR paired with GC-optimized buffers to power through difficult-to-amplify GC-rich sequences, including genomic DNA. The GC-optimized Buffers I and II are specifically designed to amplify GC-rich DNA templates (up to 73% GC content) or templates with a significant amount of secondary structure:
- GC Buffer I is recommended for amplification of fragments that are ≥5 kb in length
- GC Buffer II is recommended for fragments that are 2–3 kb in length
TaKaRa LA Taq DNA Polymerase with GC Buffer has theTaKaRa LA Taq DNA Polymerase blend for long-and-accurate PCR paired with GC-optimized buffers to power through difficult-to-amplify GC-rich sequences, including genomic DNA. The GC-optimized Buffers I and II are specifically designed to amplify GC-rich DNA templates (up to 73% GC content) or templates with a significant amount of secondary structure:
- GC Buffer I is recommended for amplification of fragments that are ≥5 kb in length
- GC Buffer II is recommended for fragments that are 2–3 kb in length
For the longest amplicons that are also GC rich, try PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase, which is designed to amplify genomic DNA up to 30 kb.