The Advantage HD Polymerase Mix provides maximum fidelity and extended PCR product length, making it particularly useful for applications that require high accuracy, such as cDNA cloning, site-directed mutagenesis, and mutation genotyping (i.e., SNP analysis).
The Advantage HD Polymerase Mix consists of a novel DNA polymerase with a hot-start antibody, and comes with a tube of 5X buffer (with Mg2+).
The Advantage HD Polymerase Mix provides maximum fidelity and extended PCR product length, making it particularly useful for applications that require high accuracy, such as cDNA cloning, site-directed mutagenesis, and mutation genotyping (i.e., SNP analysis).
The Advantage HD Polymerase Mix consists of a novel DNA polymerase with a hot-start antibody, and comes with a tube of 5X buffer (with Mg2+).
Advantage HD Polymerase Mix provides outstanding accuracy due to the presence of 3" → 5" exonuclease activity that results in an extremely low error rate. It also performs extremely well on GC-rich and other more complex templates. The Advantage HD Polymerase Mix amplifies targets of up to 8.5 kb from human genomic DNA, 10 kb fromE. coligenomic DNA, and 22 kb from lambda DNA. The amplification efficiency of Advantage HD Polymerase Mix is greater than that of wild-typeTaq polymerase.