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Clontech/SMART-Seq Single Cell Kit—full-length transcriptome analysis with ultimate sensitivity for single cells/12 Rxns/634470

The SMART-Seq Single Cell Kit (SSsc) and the SMART-Seq Single Cell PLUS Kit (SSsc PLUS) are powered by robust chemistry that provides unparalleled sensitivity and reproducibility for single-cell and nuclei applications. These kits use oligo(dT) priming to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from single cells known to have low RNA content (e.g., PBMCs, T-cells, B-cells, etc.).
The SMART-Seq Single Cell Kit (SSsc) and the SMART-Seq Single Cell PLUS Kit (SSsc PLUS) are powered by robust chemistry that provides unparalleled sensitivity and reproducibility for single-cell and nuclei applications. These kits use oligo(dT) priming to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from single cells known to have low RNA content (e.g., PBMCs, T-cells, B-cells, etc.). In addition to the cDNA synthesis kit, the SSsc PLUS kit also includes a library preparation kit and a single-use unique dual index (UDI) plate to generate Illumina-compatible sequencing libraries, making it a complete end-to-end solution.
The SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5" End of RNA Template) technology powering the SMART-Seq Single Cell kit provides full-length transcript information, enabling analysis of transcript isoforms, gene fusions, point mutations, etc. The cDNA kit provides high reproducibility, even gene-body coverage, and an accurate representation of GC-rich transcripts. We have further modified this powerful core technology to create a new chemistry with higher sensitivity designed specifically for single-cell applications. These enhancements result in more useful reads and a higher gene detection, allowing for a better understanding of precious samples.
The SSsc PLUS kit includes our patented library preparation kit that incorporates enzymatic fragmentation and stem-loop adapters to construct high-quality, Illumina-compatible libraries from the cDNA synthesized with the core kit. This two-step workflow takes place in a single tube and can be completed in about two hours with no intermediate purification steps necessary—minimizing sample mix-up, sample loss, and cross-contamination. The high library yield generated from this kit provides the flexibility to sequence on high-throughput sequencers while providing high reproducibility.
If you are interested in these benefits but are working with intact, high-quality cells (<1,000) or ultra-low total RNA inputs, we recommend our SMART-Seq v4 PLUS Kit.
If you prefer a random priming approach that will allow you to work with degraded samples and includes library preparation and indexing reagents, we recommend our SMART-Seq Stranded Kit.